7 tips to avoid getting caught cheating by her

August 30, 2014 Posted in Adult Dating Guide by No Comments

cheatingGetting caught by your female partner can mean World War III. It’s a serious decision to cheat but as you let it be, here are the tips to avoid getting caught by her!

  • Make up the lie

    Lying is part of the cheating and not getting caught. You need to avoid feeling groggy when you’re about to lie. You have to make the lie believable so she will not get suspicious with you. You need to put the cosmetics on your lies, too!

  • Make sure the surprise visit, is not a surprise

    Sometimes your girl wants to pay you a surprise visit. Make sure you are not making out with someone else when she comes. If you know the place she will come by, don’t be there. Choose another place.

  • Contacting via social media

    This one is called digital traces. As many social media will expose your friendship with everyone around you, do not include your affair! Social media is where women often found their men cheating (even when these guys are not cheating, the women still find suspicious when you add a girl on your friend list).

  • Changing the habit

    Forget about changing the habit. Girl knows details about her loved one. So when you change your daily routine, she may find it out. Let’s be wise and not changing any routine you have.

  • Creating alibis

    When creating alibis, make sure it is a trustworthy thing. You cannot create an alibi – the same thing all over again.

  • Physical trace

    You might have your favourite perfume but when you cheat with another girl, make sure that you don’t bring her smell and fragrance at home. Your girl can distinguish which one is yours and which one is the alien’s.

  • Admit cheating

    Do not admit that you cheat. A girl has a difficulty in trusting someone, once the trust is broken; it is hard to put the broken pieces back. Even when you already ‘sober’ and you come back for your partner, she will find it hard to trust you and even feel more suspicious. Never admit the cheating. Even when it makes you feel guilty, let go and forget about it. This way you can go back to your partner and build the love that was once broken by your fault.


Katy Benett

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