8 Differences between the girl you date and the woman you marry

December 17, 2016 Posted in Adult Dating Guide by No Comments

Getting a takeoutDating and married life are two completely different experiences even though you’re with the same person. Instead of planning a romantic dinner you’re more likely to get takeout and you’ll notice a change in how much effort she makes in her everyday life.

1) Date nights

When you’re dating there’s a feeling that everything needs to be nice and perfect. Your girlfriend will look expect you to make an effort and cook her a romantic dinner now and again.

2) Socializing

Your girlfriend is going to feel territorial at the beginning of a relationship and will want you all to herself. She wants you focused on her and will get jealous when you spend time with your friends. When the relationship becomes serious and marriage is the next step then she’ll want to get to know your family and friends better and she’ll want to do more group activities.

3) Her appearance

Women worry about being attractive enough and when they’re dating they’ll take care of all the small details to make sure they look sexy for you. They’ll get their hair and nails done on a regular basis and will spend ages choosing outfits to wear. When you’re married she’ll know you’re committed to her and will be more casual with her appearance and won’t mind you seeing her when she’s not at her best.

4) Priorities

When a woman is dating she won’t know how a relationship will end and will stay focused on things like work and friends. When she’s married she’ll be more focused on making the marriage work and starting a family. You’ll notice she talks less about work deadlines and more about things you’ll be doing together as a couple.

5) Level of trust

When you’re dating you’ll slowly learn things about your girlfriend but she’ll be careful about what she tells you because the level of trust is low. When you’re married the trust is stronger and she’ll be more willing to share things with you because she knows you’ll be supportive.

6) More selective behavior

A woman will be more flirty with other men and will wear more revealing clothes when she’s not married. This is because she’s trying to attract attention and isn’t sure if you’re the one she wants to commit to. Marriage will make her be more selective about her behavior because she wants to be committed to you and will show you that she’s serious about making things work.

7) Compromising

Dating is about two people getting used to each other and finding a way to get along with each other. It’s tough to change the way you do things because your partner is used to something else and after a while you’ll get tired of making changes. Your girlfriend will put her foot down more and will want things to be done her way. By the time marriage comes she knows and accepts you for who you are and will be more willing to compromise in order to make you happy.

8) Conflict solving

The woman you’re dating will get upset more easily because she’s worried about the relationship ending. Even the smallest thing will seem like a big deal and it could turn into a big fight. When you’re married she feels more secure and will want to deal with the small issues in a calm way so things don’t escalate.

Katy Benett